Upcoming Courses

Special discount for 2 – applies to any two people who attend one training or one student takes 2 courses

The following courses are available for delivery at your agency or company on your schedule.

Contact Don Dickson, Training Manager at (301) 455-5633 or don.dickson@governmenttraininginc.com
for further details, special pricing.

Open-Source Intelligence (3 day course) Brief Overview: Acquiring open source intelligence (OSINT) requires more than just an ability to use the Internet. Special databases and off-line sources are among the many rich veins of intelligence which go unknown and untapped by law enforcement, business researchers, security personnel, terrorism, gang and financial researchers and intelligence analysts.  
Introduction to Strategic Intelligence Analysis – For Law Enforcement and Public Safety Officials (3 day course) Brief Overview: "Strategic Intelligence" defined in the context of law enforcement and homeland security: Intelligence that is developed to assist senior agency decision-makers, executives in their decision-making, e.g. related to strategy, agency priorities, resource deployment, etc. and can related to developing trends, emerging threat issues, etc.  
Intelligence Analysis I (3 day course) Brief Overview: Intelligence analysts working in the national security and law enforcement fields are frequently required to make judgments about the future. Unfortunately, most new analysts are not prepared for this job, and find it difficult to comfortably perform, or simply misunderstand, what their supervisors and customers expect from them in their new role as intelligence analysts.  
Intelligence Analysis II (3 day course) Brief Overview : Structured analytic techniques help analysts produce more accurate and reliable intelligence. Use of these techniques improves the quality of analysis by helping analysts overcome cognitive biases (the inherent limitations of the human mind) and deal with complex, incomplete, and ambiguous information. Many historic law enforcement and national security intelligence failures—including the 2002 Washington DC sniper cas  
Intelligence Briefings & Reports (3 day course) Brief Overview: Good writing and briefing skills are essential pieces of analytical tradecraft. If an analyst’s writing and briefing skills are not well-developed enough to effectively communicate the results of his or her analysis to those who need it, that analyst’s work—no matter how important, timely, or skillfully produced—may be worthless.