Advanced COR


(40 Hour Version)

This course is available for On-Site Training only. We will bring this course to your agency or company.
Contact Don Dickson, On-Site Training Manager at (301) 455-5633 or

Course Description

Technical personnel play a vital role in acquiring equipment, systems, and support services by contract for the Government.  As the complexity of an acquisition increases, so do the oversight, management and leadership roles of the COR

For large and/or complex acquisitions they may prepare the work statement; evaluate proposals; recommend source selection; and, as the appointed contracting officer’s representative (COR), review, guide and direct the contractor’s performance. Program success relies upon their informed and timely input commensurate with program complexity or risk.  Effective contracting requires that technical personnel possess and correctly apply technical and administrative skills.

 Most technical personnel become involved in acquisitions because of their technical expertise. This course looks to improving agency acquisitions and contractor performance by enhancing their knowledge and practical application of advanced contracting principles.

The course centers on the use of a GT developed “COR Level III Job Aids Took Kit” designed for ease of use after the training when the student returns to regular duty assignment. The Tool Kit includes Quick Reference Guides, templates, samples, checklists, checklists and more checklists — all targeted to the unique role of the COR performing advanced duties.

Now Avaliable

COR Book Image

Now Avaliable

COR III Book Image

Training Methodology

Advanced COR 40 Hours - will utilize the spectrum of instructional methods, to include lecture, discussion, group work with case studies and scenarios, handouts and a take away student handbook. The instructor will tailor the instruction to OPM COR duties, functions and responsibilities through post-award discovery. Informal quizzes will be used on a daily basis to measure student mastery and comprehension.  The first day of class will utilize a “COR Hot Topics” which will list the student’s issues, concerns, and topics to be covered in the course. Upon completion of the course topics and prior to the survey and graduation, the COR Hot Topics will be re-visited to assure complete coverage has occurred.


Day I

  • Morning
    1. Course Overview and Introductions
    2. Acquisition and Contracting Flow Chart (Handout & Discussion)
    3. Contracting Officer prerequisites, appointment, and authority
    4. Contracting Officer Representative nomination, qualifications, training and appointment
    5. The Contracting and Stakeholder Team;  Pre Award and Post Award
    6. Statutory and regulatory framework: Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)  and agency supplements
    7. Competition in Contracting Act-intent and exceptions: Small Business Act
    8. Federal Acquisition Reform Act (FARA) and Federal Acquisition Regulation Streamlining Act (FASA)
    9. Overview of COR Ethics  with emphasis on Organizational Conflicts of Interest
  • Afternoon
    1. Acquisition Planning, Strategy and Risk Management
    2. Contents of Procurement Package
    3. Acquisition Methods: Government internal, micro-purchase, simplified acquisition, formal contracting and commercial purchases
    4. Essential elements of a contract; Importance of Terms and Conditions

Supplemental Text Handout and Overview: Reading Assignments; Definitions and Acronyms; Sample COR nomination letter and Sample COR Letter; handout Quiz #1

Day II

  • Morning  (Review and Grade Quiz
    1. Contract Method overview (Sealed Bid, Negotiated and Commercial “Test” program
    2. Fixed Price and Cost Type Contracts and Risk
    3. Spectrum of Cost Plus Award Fee to Firm Fixed Price contracts
    4. Determining Evaluation Factors: mandatory and requirement specific
    5. Cost Type Contract considerations: Tests and Funding Anti-Deficiency Act
  • Afternoon
    1. Term Contracts-Completion and Level of Effort
    2. Uniform Contract Format (Use slides and Appendix J and I of Student Text)
    3. FAR Part 37 Personal Versus Non-Personal Services
    4. “Pellezri Criteria” and prevention of perception of Personal Services
    5. Inherently Governmental functions and commercial augmentation in contracts
    6. Office of Management and Budget circular A-76
    7. Performance Based Contracting elements
    8. Steps in Selection of contract type and assessing performance risk

Student Reading Assignment;-Sample of COR Performance Review Checklist and dix E-COR Files content; handout Quiz #2


  • Morning (Review and grade Quiz #2)
    1. Reading the Contract: Ambiguity, Omissions and Contradictions
    2. Output to Outcomes in Performance Based Contracts
    3. Concept of Earned Value Management
    4. Creating Performance Measures: steps, process, standards
    5. Contractor Provided Quality Management Plan
    6. Government Quality Assurance Plan and implementation
    7. Introduction of surveillance methods
  • Afternoon
    1. Privity and relationship of Government to Subcontractors
    2. Post award Orientation Conference
    3. Proper Contract documentation and COR Checklist overview
    4. Contract Modifications Types-Unilateral and Bilateral
    5. Categories of Contract Modifications-Change Order, Administrative and Supplemental Agreement (SF 30 handout and discussion)
    6. The Changes provision in supply, service and construction contracts
    7. Authority to issue changes

Student Reading Assignment and Specification and Statement of Work Language; handout Quiz #3

Day IV

  • Morning (Review and grade Quiz #3)
    1. Elements of Effective Contract Administration
    2. Scope of Contract overview
    3. COR Do’s and Don’ts
    4. Structuring a modification request
    5. What the COR must know and Due Diligence
  • Afternoon (Discuss Case #2 Personal and Non Personal Services)
    1. Formal Contract Communications (HCA and CO)
    2. Dealing with contractual ambiguities
    3. Informal Communications of COR
    4. Cardinal Changes in Contracts
    5. Constructive Changes in Contracts
    6. Unauthorized Commitments and Ratification
    7. Issuing Task Orders and exercise of Contract Options
    8. Review Fixed Price Level of Effort Contract characteristics

Student reading assignment; Sample Timesheet Surveillance Guide and COR 10 Commandments; handout Quiz #4

Day V

  • Morning (Review and Grade Quiz #4)
    1. Monitoring Contractor Performance
    2. Inspection-methods, frequency, improper inspection and contractor responsibility
    3. Rejection for non-conformance
    4. Acceptance
    5. Payment on Fixed Type and Cost Type Contracts
    6. Completion and Performance Evaluations
    7. Review and handout Quiz #5 and grade
  • Afternoon
    1. Contract Breach
    2. Non-contractual remedies
    3. Contractual Remedies: Letter of Concern, Cure Notice and Show Cause Notice
    4. Contract Claims and Remedies
    5. Boards, courts and alternate dispute resolution
    6. Types of terminations-completion, cancellation, convenience, and default/cause
    7. Overview of Contract Clauses and Provisions (Appendix K, pages 1-47)
    8. Payment methods in supply, service, R&D and Construction Contracts
    9. Discuss Erroneous contractor invoice case
    10. Review and handout Quiz #6 and grade

Hand out course survey for completion, issue certificates, and graduate class.